When autumn is slowly approaching it's time to update your wardrobes and pick some cool jackets for this upcoming season. I got this great pink bomber jacket from Shein.com. LOVE THOSE PATCHES!
| Kiedy jesien zbliza sie wielkimi krokami to najwyzszy czas by uzupelnic swoja garderobe najlepiej stawiajac na kurtki, plaszcze. Ja wlasnie dostalam ta swietna rozowa kurtke w stylu bomber jacket od Shein.com. KOCHAM NA NASZYWKI! |
create your look out for fashion book
Sunday, 27 August 2017
Fun brunette
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Crop that top
Hello there! My wardrobe expanded for another few, interesting, new pieces this month and I cannot wait to show you all of those treasures. Today I will start with cute Levi's dungarees and
stunning crop top from Shein.com. I literally fell in love with those pretty embroidered roses! Simple as that...
| Witajcie! Moja szafa powiekszyla w tym miesiacu o kilka interesujacych nabytkow i juz nie moge sie doczekac az wszystkie je wam pokaze. Dzis zaczniemy od cudnych ogrodniczek z Levis'a i dziewczecego topu od Shein.com. Jak sie nie zakochac w tych slicznych wyszywanych rozach! Nic dodac nic ujac... |
Saturday, 12 August 2017
Feel that vibe
Seems 90's are back! For the outfit inspired by this particular decade I couldn't pick anything else but my fav Levi's jeans in traditional stone wash finish. Together with a sporty crop top and light, bright colour jacket I created casual, street style look. Few gold accents such as glasses and shoes and I was ready to go...
| Lata 90-te wracaja do lask! Kreujac outfit inspirowany ta dekada musialam postawic na moje ulubione jeansy Levis'a w tradycyjnym kolorze stonewash. Razem ze sportowym topem i intensywnie pomaranczowa kurtka stworzylam street styl-owy look na codzien. Kilka zlotych akcentow takich jak okulary oraz buty i bylam gotowa do wyjscia... |
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