create your look out for fashion book

create your look out for fashion book

Wednesday, 24 July 2013


Praca z Zarze tak mnie pochlonela ze nie mialam ani chwili na dodanie nowego posta. Czas to zmienic. Moja najlepsza przyjaciolka a zarazem fotograf i konsulatant to spraw mody wreszcie zawilala do Londynu wiec postanowilam ja wykoszystac i namowic na kilka zdjec podczas wieczornego spaceru. Stylizacja ktora dzis przedstawiam czerpie motywy z lat 80 ktore zawsze mnie fascynowaly. Zlota bluzka z bufiastymi rekawami i zabotem polaczona z bardzo modymi w tym sezonie skorzanymi szortami tworzy elegancka a zarazem seksowna calosc. Aby podkreslic styl wybranej epoki dodalam niesamowicie wygodne sandaly na platformie w stylu retro, czarna torebke ze zlotym lancuszkiem oraz duze kolczyki w geometrycznym ksztalcie.

Work in Zara absorb me that much that I didn't have a moment to add new post. Its time to change it. My best friend and also photographer and fashion consultant, finally arrived to London so I decided to use her a lil bit and persuade to taking some pictures while strolling. Stylizaction which I am presenting today is extracting and themes from 80's which always fascinated me. Gold blouse with bouffant sleeves and frill, combined with leather shorts which are trendy this season, creates elegant and also very sexy outfit. To emphasize the style of chosen era I added incredibly comfortable retro platform sandals, black bag with gold chain and big earings in geometric shape.
